The Society for Cultural Studies in Finland

The Society for Cultural Studies in Finland promotes multi- and interdisciplinary cultural research in Finland. The Society brings together researchers of cultural studies working in various universities, universities of applied sciences, and other research institutions and entities. Additionally, the Society acts as a forum for further education.

Kulttuurintutkimuksen seuran logo purppuralla taustalla.

The Society of Cultural Studies in Finland participates in creating science policy and voicing viewpoints in other societal discussions. Furthermore, the Society aims to make research conducted in cultural studies known to the public. At the core of the Society’s activities are the organization of the biennial National Conference in Cultural Studies and the publication of the Kulttuurintutkimus- journal, which is published four times a year. The National Conference in Cultural Studies alternates biennially with the thematic Summer School, which is aimed for doctoral candidates. Additionally, the Society for Cultural Studies in Finland offers and organizes further events and shares information on relevant current cultural studies issues through social media and the Society’s mailing list.

Most members of the Society of Cultural Studies in Finland identify themselves as members of the fields of humanities and social studies. However, the Society has members who are active in various academic disciplines.

The Society of Cultural Studies in Finland was established in 2008 and it continues the activities of the Cultural Research Network founded in 1984. Today, the Society and its activities are funded through membership fees. You can join the Society of Cultural Studies in Finland by filling out a membership application (in Finnish). In addition to private persons, institutions can support the Society by becoming members. An institution can become a member of the Society by filling out the membership application or by contacting the Secretary of the Society via email (

Kulttuurintutkimuksen päivät järjestetään vuonna 2025 Turussa teemalla "Sekaisin".
Kuva: Anna Armbrust, Pixabay

Cultural Studies Conference 10.–12.12.2025

10.–12.12.2025 Turku

The twelfth Finnish Cultural Studies Conference, first organized in 2003, will be held in Turku in December 2025, under the theme ”Mix”.

Mixtures, combinations, and compilations have always been a central interest of Cultural Studies. The premise here is that cultures are always already mixed. As a theme, “mixed” refers not only to the state of the world, but also to a state of mind.

Keynote speakers:

  • Kata Kyrölä (University College London)
  • Joel Kuortti (University of Turku)
  • Anna Kontula (Finnish Parliament)

Panel discussion on Cultural Studies in disarray, chaired by Olli Löytty and panelists Kaisa Murtoniemi, Hanna Kuusela, Leena-Maija Rossi, and Heikki Uimonen.

“Mix” also reflects the multidisciplinary research field of Cultural Studies. We invite proposals for presentations and workshops in Finnish, Swedish, or English on topics such as the ones below. We also welcome contributions that break from or reform the traditional presentation format including presentations that combine scholarship and art.

  • Inherent messiness of Cultural Studies
  • Being messed up as a condition of being in the world
  • Messiness of everyday life
  • Mixtures, mixes, and messed up ways of living and creating culture
  • Ubiquity of hybridity (including identities and wars)
  • Mental health and mental illness
  • Old and young people
  • Bodies and sensory cultures
  • Multimodality, mixing of genres, intermediality
  • Fusion: music, food, visuality
  • Environment: Biodiversity, climate crisis, genetic modification
  • Humans and other animals
  • Humans and machines (technology, AI, IT, drones)
  • Trans- and posthumanism
  • Translations: Multiculturalism and multilingualism
  • Migration, insecurity, global displacement
  • Seeking clarity, purity or security (e.g., from political conservatism, racism)

Online form for full panel proposals: (closes 31 Jan 2025)


  • Monday 9.12.2024 Online form for full panel proposals published 
  • Friday 31.1.2025 Deadline for panel proposals
  • Friday 28.3.2025 Panel proposals accepted, form for individual paper proposals published
  • Friday 16.5.2025 Deadline for individual paper proposals
  • Wednesday 28.5.2025 Acceptance messages sent to all participants with information on registration and payment
  • Monday 8.9.2025 Early bird registration closes
  • Monday 10.11.2025 Late bird registration closes