
Workshop for doctoral students: Joy of Writing in Cultural Studies 8.12.2021

The Finnish journal Kulttuurintutkimus, Doctoral programme
Social and Cultural Encounters (SCE, University of Eastern Finland) and
the School for Humanities will organize a workshop for doctoral students
about article writing and publishing. The one-day event is part of the
biennial Finnish Conference of Cultural Studies 8.–10. Dec 2021. The theme of
the conference is “Joy”. The workshop is open for doctoral students from
all Finnish universities, who plan to publish in Finnish or international journals, especially related to the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies.

The workshop is divided into two parts. The first part with lectures (in English) is open to all. The second part is a closed workshop (in English and in Finnish) to those students who will present their article drafts or manuscripts and commit to commenting each other’s work-in-progress with care and confidence. The number of the participants in the second part is limited to five students in each group.

The aim of the workshop is

  • to increase knowledge about publishing processes and editorial practices in Finnish and international journals
  • to encourage the participants in publishing their work
  • to increase understanding of diverse textual choices, especially inside cultural studies
  • to address interdisciplinary audiences in a clear and attractive way

The teachers in the workshop are prof. Jocelyne Guilbault (ethnomusicology, University of California, Berkeley, US), prof. Susanna Paasonen (media studies, University of Turku), university researcher Juhana Venäläinen (sociology of art, editor of Kulttuurintutkimus, UEF), Jaana Vuori (gender studies, UEF) and other UEF teachers. More information about the visiting teachers, who also will give keynote speeches during the conference, can be found here.

SCE doctoral students can earn 2 credits from the course, e.g. under 2015241 Academic Professional Skills, in negotiation with their supervisors. To earn 2 credits, students must participate both in the lectures and in the closed workshop with one’s own text draft. The students outside of UEF will be given a certificate for participation.

The course will have limited seats, maximum of 10 students, 5 of which is reserved for UEF students (primarily students of SCE).

Responsible teacher: Jaana Vuori,

All students who will participate in the second part with papers/article manuscripts should send a short abstract/synopsis of their article (max. 3000 characters) in English or Finnish to before 4th October, 2021. The participants will be informed about the access to the article workshop by 11th October. The article drafts should be delivered to other workshop participants by 15th November (via course Moodle). There is still room for participating in the open part of the workshop with lectures. Please enroll by sending an email to before 1st December (for coffee and refreshment serving).

More information and the updated programme will be found in the course Moodle after 11th October. Students from outside UEF, please use Haka log-in with your university account credentials.

The organizers would like to thank the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing for the grant that made this workshop possible.

Programme 8th December 2021

Room AU100 (Aurora Building, Yliopistonkatu 2)
Campus map:

12.30–12.45 Opening of the workshop, quick presentation of the participants

12.45–13.15 Jocelyne Guilbault: Diverse Texts, Diverse Genres & Diverse Audiences in Cultural Studies

13.15–13.30 Discussion

13.30–13.45 Coffee break (Free of charge for enrolled participants)

13.45–14.15 Susanna Paasonen: Editorial Processes in International Publishing

14.15–14.30 Juhana Venäläinen: Editorial Processes in the Finnish Context: Kulttuurintutkimus-journal

14.30–15.00 Questions and Answers

15.00–15.15 Break

15.15–17.30 Workshops (Open for manuscript presenters only)
Group in English: teachers Jocelyne Guilbault and Juhana Venäläinen
Room AU209 (Aurora-building)
Group in Finnish: Teachers Susanna Paasonen and Jaana Vuori
Room AU210 (Aurora-building)

18.00 Conference programme and get-together in Artfactory Siihtala. For conference and work shop participants, free of charge.